Bittersweet chocolate and cocoa powder give a classic cereal bar a devilish twist. With only five ingredients and 10 minutes of prep work, who could resist...
Spicy gingersnaps stand in for the more traditional graham crackers in the crust of this Pumpkin-Cheesecake Pie, and make an excellent foil for the rich...
Grasshopper pie was a favorite of Southern hostesses in the 1950s and '60s. We've updated the recipe, infusing the filling with fresh mint and adding coconut...
Hamantaschen cookies are popular treats for the feast of Purim, which joyfully celebrates the Jews' deliverance from the detested Haman. Make sure the...
Macarons are light-as-a-feather French cookies that can be assembled using any sweet fillings and bases that you please. Our best, step-by-step recipe...
A truly memorable way to feed a crowd, this dessert alternates between moist coconut cake and rich coconut-lemon curd on the inside and is covered with...
Easy press-in crusts are filled with a citrusy custard filling in these mini desserts. Gilded with gorgeous piped swirls of meringue, they're guaranteed...
Because the dough isn't rolled out, you don't need a rolling pin -- just a mixing bowl and a spoon. The finished crust is crisp, cookielike, and sophisticated....
Blondies prove that pantry staples like flour, brown sugar, butter, and eggs can be spun into pure gold-and without a mixer, at that. Amp up their flavor...
Light and airy cake is layered with rich chocolate filling and drizzled with glossy chocolate glaze for a dessert that will satisfy and delight no matter...
The cylindrical shape of the roly-poly recalls the days when puddings were cooked in cloths instead of bowls. The pudding is a sheet of dough that has...
The filling for these berry cobblers is made with basic ingredients like fresh strawberries, cornstarch for thickness, sugar for sweetness, and a touch...
Tangy cream cheese gets a hit of tartness and sweetness from fresh strawberries in this simple-yet-perfect cake filling, frosting-like recipe. It tastes...
Each tender cookie has a gooey marshmallow lodged inside, plus it's all covered in chocolate. The cookies are perfect for sharing at holidays and events...
The deep hazelnut flavor and buttery goodness of these cookies belie their simplicity. With just five ingredients, these are some of the easiest cookies...
Buttermilk helps make this cake tender and moist while rum gives it a lighthearted tropical kick. If you'd rather let the whole family enjoy this dessert,...
These cookies have a dark color and a pronounced molasses flavor. If you are making the Gingerbread Town-Square Cake, you can use this template to trace...
A crumble is the British name for a blend of berries or other fruit with a textured sugary topping, often with oats; the result is all but synonymous with...